Three words to describe the company’s EAT LOCAL, EAT FRESH program: Tasty…Variety…Healthy. YES! I discovered that carrots come in many colors with subtle taste differences. And, YES! I rediscovered I do not like beets. It was a fun idea. We never knew what would show up on the table. ‘Best of Show’: Kristine’s shark/boat!!! Stephanie


The Newport Experience

Every once in a while, you’ve got to change things up.  Get face-to-face with an experience outside your norm.  We did that…all of us…last night on a company-hosted sunset sail aboard the beautiful Schooner Aurora, a 101′ sailboat out of Newport, Rhode Island. Staff from all departments along with their guests filled the boat donning novelty

Earth Day

Earth Day 2015 Photos

Earth Day Challenge Photo Gallery There is a great need for the introduction of new values in our society, where bigger is not necessarily better, where slower can be faster, and where less can be more. ARS Earth day Challenge 2015 The wealth of the nation is its air, water, soil, forests, minerals, rivers, lakes,

Nigerian Student Uses Scrap Metal to Create Wind and Solar Powered Vehicle

It’s amazing how properly recycling your vehicle at the end of its life-cycle, whether through car donation, or even deciding to junk a car can generate something so positive! Whether it’s assisting with getting some great nonprofits further funding, or efficiently recycling your vehicle, so that some brilliant individuals can utilize their visions to create something cool, and exciting!


2003 Harley-Davidson Police Officer Special

Everyone’s heard of Harley-Davidson and everyone’s heard of the American Cancer Society (ACS).  Now, we’re hearing them in the same sentence thanks to a generous California resident who donated a 2003 Police Officer Special to the American Cancer Society.  The coming together is a very unique rescue mission for this police motorcycle whose proceeds will now help

How to Steel a Bridge

The scrap metal industry at times gets a bad rap, whether it’s criminals trying to extract scrap metal out of an elementary school, or a church, or how about stealing an entire bridge?!  The negative public perception that exists of the scrap metal industry unfortunately isn’t going away even as the price of scrap metal declines and

Earth Week 2015 – It’s Our Job

After a blue-gray and white winter, spring is a time for celebration. It starts the party with bursts of rich and vibrant colors. It beckons living things to wake a little earlier and stay out a little later. We take deeper breaths of clean, fresh air and head to the beach, park, or backyard to

environmental safety

Environmental Safety Remains Focus of Industry Partners

When the Department of Environmental Management steps in to manage industry regulations, the discussion typically turns to government overreach. That’s not the case in Rhode Island, where officials were happy to announce a productive agreement between the state and Rhode Island Recycled Metals corporation. Although the company will need to address hazardous waste on its

The (radical) truth is, attacking waste is the engine that will pull the whole train. If you’re looking for a quick, profitable ascent up Mount Sustainability, going after waste is the natural place to begin. radical industrialist

Ray C. Anderson, Confessions of a Radical Industrialist