Introducing the SHiFT National Vehicle Retirement Program
In partnership with the Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) and the Automotive Recycling Training Institute (ARTI), the SHiFT National Vehicle Retirement Initiative™ is a social enterprise dedicated to responsibly recycling vehicles, ensuring environmentally friendly procedures from start to finish.Through its comprehensive approach, SHiFT along with it’s partners not only lessen the environmental impact of individual vehicles

A Glossary of Automotive Industry Terms
In the world of philanthropy and sustainable giving, the car donation industry has gained significant traction as an easy and impactful way to support nonprofit organizations while also responsibly disposing of old vehicles. Navigating this field requires more than just a willingness to contribute; it demands a comprehension of the terminology that defines the process,

RepairPal Launches Social Impact Partnership with ARS
Advanced Remarketing Services (ARS) is proud to partner with RepairPal on the Force for Good campaign! RepairPal brings trust and transparency to auto repair by helping millions of customers feel confident that they’re getting the best price. Since 2007, RepairPal has been providing customers with invaluable resources to care for their cars. RepairPal also partners

How to be a responsible driver in the dark
According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49% of all fatal motor vehicle crashes take place after dark. This is despite the fact that roads typically have less traffic after dark than during daylight hours. The statistic demonstrates the danger of driving in the dark and just how important it is to