Advanced Remarketing Services

Walk to Defeat ALS

Our experience at the Walk to Defeat ALS presented by the ALS Association RI Chapter.

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On September 17th Advanced Remarketing Services staff members completed a one mile Walk to Defeat ALS that benefits the ALS Association, RI Chapter. Everyone was in good spirits and ready to show their support to the everyday fighters of this disease. The event was held at the Confreda Sports Complex in Warwick, RI. While rounding the corner of one of the fields I looked out and saw the sea of people all heading towards the same goal, to defeat ALS. It was inspiring to see so many people with so much hope. A total of $131,258.97 was raised for this one mile walk.

When we first started to raise money for this cause I was unclear of what the disease meant. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a neurodegenerative disease which affects the spinal cord and the nerve cells in the brain. Usually within 2-5 years of diagnosis, total paralysis occurs. For now there is no cure and only one FDA approved drug that helps prolong survival.

In our office we have done many things to help raise awareness for ALS. We held hat days and dress down days; we also conducted an office wide ping pong tournament and donations were collected from employees in order to participate.

I’m sure you have heard of the ice bucket challenge too. Well, if you haven’t, check out our Ice Bucket Challenge blog here. Its one of the many ways to raise awareness for the ALS Association, as well as funds.

This has been not only an educational journey, but an inspirational one as well. One that I am now educated on and proud to be spreading awareness for.

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